Players have called for a speedy decision on the election date as the ambiguity could hurt the tourism industry. Restaurant and food cafes chairman Deniz Elsek however says a March 2013 election would be beneficial to the sector as the traditional December which falls in the high season has kept back tourist who fear the outcome of the elections. Just yesterday economic analyst called for a clear election date to help businesses plan. This is as it still remains unclear as to when the country will hold the next general elections with August 2012, December 2012 and March 2013 all available dates. However for the tourism sector August and December fall in the peak season and any election held in this dates have led to a significant reduction in tourist inflows. Thus the suggestion by players in the sector to have elections set for March. Currently hotels especially at the coast are enjoying high numbers and are hoping that the general election will not break the momentum. At the same time tour operators have called on the Kenya wildlife its efforts in ensuring that domestic animals are kept out of parks. Citing Tsavo east national park the stakeholders say the influx of cattle to national parks has elicited complaints from tourist and they fear that this might result to a bad image of the park. In the meantime, a group of 20 tourists from Germany on holiday in the country have taken to planting trees to conserve the environment inside the Tsavo East National Park. Led by Silke Mathias the group says they have decided to plant 400 indigenous tree seedlings within the confines of the lodge.
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