It is my believe that sex issues are the most controversial and least understood and introducing sex education would more likely less take the mystery away from the issue. Sex education would be less controversial if it was approached from a multicultural perspective that would embody the biological, the psychological, the cultural, and the sociological and historical points of view. Sex education should be a subject aimed at empowering students to make responsible sex decisions based on reliable credible information and lee inhibited by myths, rituals, taboos and other believes that our diverse cultures hold and that have been passed down centuries.
From a biological point of view sex involves the anatomy, the genes, the role of the central nervous system, the hormones, among other organs in human sexuality. Biology looks at sex as an angle of procreation alone. The students can then understand their anatomical structures and physiological capabilities and know how these two major factors make sexual behavior possible. Students can also acquire information on causes of infertility and diseases that affect various genders due to age, eating habits, or even genetical issues and know also know how to self examine themselves for diseases such as breast cancer as well as knowing where to seek treatment or any prevention if any.
The psychologist approaches the issue from a mental point of view and aims at explaining the behavior, attitudes, values and perceptions associated with sex. A psychologist will look at transsexuals from an understanding of individuals in the society who have not been able to accept the gender in which they were born in and perceive themselves as the opposite gender despite their anatomy. This education can help these individuals have a change in mind as well as raise their self esteem and maybe bring them to self realization as well as self acceptance. The results may as well help students perform better in their schoolwork and in co-curricular activities. This does not mean that such education would encourage any gay behavior.
Since culture is probably the biggest barrier to sex education being introduced in schools then maybe there needs to be its dissection and see how it is connected to this topic. A sub-culture like religion that may also be a culture if we consider the Islamic, the Hindu and Buddhism religions may feel threatened whenever their teachings face danger of being proved less relevant. The catholic church for example might be quite be reluctant if they imagine an education that would encourage its faithful to use condoms if they must have sex with its firm believe in abstinence until marriage. Muslims on the other hand will wonder will feel shaken thinking that this learning would promote pre-marital sex due to introduction of new ideas in the minds of these little ‘innocent’ children. Communities who practice female circumcision would not support any learning that supports their culture whether they put this across aggressively or softly.
In the real sense culture can be used to instill values that many communities have such fornication and adultery is condemned though most communities ill blame the woman. The authorization of men to marry by the Koran also reduces cases of infidelity and single mothers which make the family more economically stable. Sex education can also help reduce the spread of diseases such as H.I.V that cause the society a lot of money that would be used to feed and educate orphans among other better uses.
Sociologically this education might try to put in plain words issues like why the society have various practices such as male circumcision or why homosexuality is condemned in Africa yet everybody acknowledges its presence. Sex education may provide answers as to why girls are customary punished on the palm of their hands and boys on their buttocks. Some of such issues would also benefit teachers who would insist on punishing their female students unconventionally despite the risk of fainting due to the cut in blood flow during menstruation. Education on people such as gays and its starting might change the society’s perception of gay people even if it might not necessarily change it.
History can most likely try to explain the origin of behaviors such as sexual orgies or fetalio or oral sex or ancient believes related to sex. How and why the famous sex guide Kamasutra was of any spiritual obligation. Such history would make the subject a bit more interesting as compared to chapters such as sexually transmitted diseases.
In conclusion I would like to liken sex education as to why they need not to play with fore as well as teaching them the advantages of the discovery of fire to mankind and finally giving them whatever story associated with the origin of fire. At last fire does not seem that dangerous though it is still one cause of deaths and injuries in our earth. We use fire to melt metal as well as join it and similarly use sex education to discourage sex and also advocate safe sex.
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